Is there a user manual for the Alienrider M2 Pro?
Is there a user manual for the Alienrider M2 Pro?
Yes. The user manual for the Alienrider M2 Pro is attached for your reference.
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What are the specifications of the Alienrider M2 Pro?
Reference the attached datasheet for the complete specifications of the Alienrider M2 Pro.
How is the Alienrider M2 Pro wired on the motorcycle?
Reference the following wire diagram for electrical connections for installation of the Alienrider M2 Pro. Alienrider M2 Pro Electrical Hookup
What is included in Alienrider M2 Pro full Kit?
Please see all inclusions in the Alienrider M2 Pro full kit in the following image. Alienrider M2 Pro full kit contents
Are external TPMS sensors available for the Alienrider M2 Pro?
Yes, external TPMS sensors are an option for the Alienrider M2 Pro Riding System. External TPMS Sensors
Are internal TPMS sensors available for the Alienrider M2 Pro?
Yes, internal TPMS sensors are an option for the Alienrider M2 Pro Riding System. Internal TPMS Sensor